Use Every Opportunity to Get the Word Out
Sometimes you just need to communicate, and use every opportunity to get the Word out. And it can be speaking, writing, or blogging! In fact, the reason I began this blog was to have place where you and I could connect. I believe that we have an incredible message burning within, that we are compelled to use every opportunity to get out. Jeremiah put it this way…
Then I said, “I will not make mention of Him, Nor speak anymore in His name.” But His word was in my heart like a burning fire.
(Jeremiah 20:9)

He Could Not Contain God's Word
The Word of the God burning within him. He had to communicate it to others (Jer 20:9). Do you feel this way too? What good is it to know the truth if that truth only stays within us? It will burn! As we contemplate the world around us, as we see the intense needs and opportunities on every corner, as we hear the news of hunger, murder, broken families, broken lives, and despair… can we just sit by and do nothing? We have to speak of the truth that sets us free! Look at the technology at our grasp. We have to use it to multiply the saving grace of God to the masses!
Do Anything! Use Every Opportunity to Get The Word Out
I do have a “hot button,” and it is with people that sit by and do nothing. There is too much that needs to be done to squander our time.
I feel this way on mission field. We so desperately need to be engaging with the people in the country where we live. The need implores us to “Do something, do anything!”
Does the Word of God burn within you with that intensity that you feel you must communicate it by any means available? Then look for the opportunities to get the Word out. They are all around us!
On Your Mission Field - Here or There - Use Every Opportunity to Get the Word Out
Sure, living on the mission field is not easy. I understand that. There are things like handling passports and visas and residencies. These things can take weeks, months, or even years to finish. Getting a bank account or a telephone line can take months. If you’re on the field, or considering going to the mission field, you have to know this up front. These things are time consuming, and yet, must be done to some degree on an almost daily basis.
But the bottom line is that we can't stop right here at this mundane level of survival. Here's where we make the difference. Some will just settle. The will function at the basic survival mode. But the person who that has God’s Word burning in his heart, life’s mundane events are opportunities to share Christ’s love. They will go that extra mile, and that's exactly what we need on the mission field, second-mile Christians! Use every opportunity to get the Word out!
“To the one that has God’s Word burning in his heart, life’s mundane events are opportunities to share Christ’s love.”
– Steve Marlin
The person that understands this will seek to carry out a level of ministry that will continue once he or she [the missionary] has left the field and returned home… which will inevitably happen for one reason or another.
I Dare You… Try to Keep Quiet
Yes… try to keep your mouth shut. Hold the Truth within. Don’t even consider ministering to others… Try it! Let it burn within until you can’t hold it in anymore. The pressure will build… the gauge will start climbing… the safety valve will blow… and hopefully, the Love and Truth within us will pour out and lives will be changed as a result.
“For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:20).
With Jeremiah, a sense of dejection overwhelmed him and compelled him to seal his lips (Jeremiah 20:9-12). He feared being a failure and the mocking of those without (10). But God’s presence was too great (11). God’s faithfulness in his life had been too great (12). There comes a realization that there is no other alternative than to burst out in praise and tell others of God’s awesome love and provision.
Here's a Challenge from Jeremiah
Come on! Wherever you may be on this small sphere called “earth” there is something you can be doing to get the good news out. Start this very moment. Call someone, talk to a neighbor, send an email, start a blog, leave a tract, whatever. Gather up some friends from church, or just do it on your own. But, however the Lord leads you, the main idea is this, let’s get going! The fire is burning way to hot to keep it to ourselves!!! Use every opportunity to get the Word out!
[…] wrote an article sometime ago relating what happened to the prophet Jeremiah and his decision to no longer talk about God. His reason had to do with an overwhelming sense of dejection that compelled him to not share […]